Latest Doula Support Birth Story from Niranjani and Arun!!!
Arun and Niranjani |
This is our birth story and how important it was to have attended UTSAV classes, having Amba as our Doula in creating a positive birth experience.
I had attended UTSAV prenatal classes while I was 6 months pregnant.
Initially I was very skeptical about these classes but when I was diagnosed to have border sugars I was determined to do exercise to keep them under control. That was when I decided I should give a shot in attending these classes to learn exercise.
After attending class one I realized that the class was much more than just learning exercise. It was educational class not just for me but also for my parents who had taken efforts to attend these classes with me. Amba took so much efforts in clearing all myths around pregnancy and how we can have a positive birth experience.
Breastfeeding was extensively covered during classes the importance of which was known only after my baby girl was born.
When there were thousands of advices from ppl all around UTSAV classes gave me confidence and knowledge to not fall for them.
The classes and exercises taught during classes helped keep my sugars under control and most importantly helped me develop a beautiful relationship with my girl right from womb.
When Amba repeatedly stressed the importance of talking to baby inside the womb I did it though I did not know how effective it will be.
But this was a turning point in my birth story :)
So here goes the story of how I met my beautiful daughter :)
My expected date of delivery was 24th Sep. I had a visit on 30th Aug and my gynec had asked me to wait till 10th of Sep to see if my sugars were under control. Till 37th week I kept my sugars under control by exercising regularly and through diet. To my surprise my sugars started increasing by 6th of Sep.
I immediately met my doctor on the 9th at around 11 am and she asked me to get admitted around 7 pm to induce labor as increasing sugars might pose risk to my girl.
The moment I returned home I started getting mild contractions and mucus plug discharge.
I immediately started doing duck walk and practiced breathing exercises I wasn’t tensed I was excited to meet my girl :)
I spoke to Amba before I got admitted and it created a surge of positive energy in me. I got admitted around 8 pm and I was given my first gel at 9pm.
By morning 2 am I was only 1 cm dilated and was given the second gel. At 6 am I had my PV and I was still only 1 cm dilated.
Doctor decided to start me on drips.
Around 8am Amba had come to help me through labor and I was all prepared to do exercises use birthing ball.
At 9 am I had a PV again and it was the worst of all they had done membrane stripping
I literally clenched Amba’s hand as I couldn’t bear the pain.
At 10 am my waters wear broken and I had dilated only 1 cm
I was totally down as I wasn’t able to do any exercise I was stuck in between my IV and CTG
All I was able to do was just lie down which was mentally depressing.
I started having severe contractions every few mins. The moment I settled after one contraction I had another one all reaching its peak.
I wasn’t able to implement breathing exercise as I was completely diverted by my contractions. My husband was very supportive and was constantly giving me positive thoughts.
Amba repeated efforts to focus on breathing techniques helped me a lot better to handle the pain. By 2.30 pm I was 4cm dilated.
I couldn’t bear pain and I had no hopes on sustaining the pain.
I screamed for epidural to be given
I was guilty I asked for an epidural as I was determined not to have on the other hand I was emotionally down as the other birth stories that I had heard of lasted for few hours and mine was a prolonged labor.
I finally got epidural around 3 pm and my pain was much better. I was still emotionally down and bursted out crying to let go of my anxiety. At 3.30pm in spite of having epidural I started having severe pain in my pelvic region and I could feel my baby girl moving down. That was the rock bottom. I thought epidural will relive my pain for a while but that didn’t happen.
I wanted to see my parents and husband as I thought I won’t survive this labor process.
I was still emotionally down. I had no confidence left in me.
That’s when I remembered POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE. I started telling myself I am gonna face this and I can bear this pain.
My girl is a fighter and she will help me through this.
The moment I started feeling positive things turned positively as well.
I was 8cm dilated at 3.30pm. Amba was absolutely right. When I was down that my dilation didn’t cross 4 cm from 7.30 pm -2.30 pm she told that dilation is just a number it can dilate from 4-8 cm even in few mins.
That really was true I was dilated from 4-8cm in half an hour. I gained my confidence the moment I heard 8cm I was excited :)))
By 4.15 pm I was fully dilated and I got pushing sensations.
I had a PV to check by baby’s position. I was taken aback when doctors told my baby hasn’t turned.
I was shattered I lost all hopes. I looked at Amba and told she is my girl she will turn.
I spoke to my girl I told her I believe in her and I am gonna meet her soon. My girl was hearing me :)
I started pushing with all the energy left.
I was exhausted I couldn’t push. Amba was constantly motivating me. She was literally carrying my legs and helping me push with her positive words. That’s when I heard my husband say that he could see our girls head. That boosted my confidence back. Yes I am gonna meet her soon and she will be in the right position.
Finally my baby little angel arrived at 4.51pm, most importantly she TURNED and came out in the right posture. Yes it really worked. Talking to your baby makes a lot of difference.
What a surreal moment that was :) I will cherish each and every moment of my labour throughout my life.
Amba was not just a doula, her support in our journey was much more than that.
Without her help I am sure I wouldn’t have been able to sustain the pain. UTSAV classes also was pivotal in my journey of pregnancy I relished every bit of it :)
Myself and my husband are fortunate to have her as a part in the most important event of our life